Welcome to the T.A.A.O. Organization

Our mission is to ensure the safety and harmony of our world by managing and mitigating potential threats posed by Aberrations.

About Us

We are the Threat Assessment and Aberration Overwatch (T.A.A.O.) Organization, dedicated to managing and mitigating potential threats posed by a unique segment of our population known as Aberrations. Our mission is to foster a safe and harmonious coexistence between society and Aberrations through comprehensive assessment, supervision, and community integration. By addressing the challenges and harnessing the potential of Aberrations, we strive to build a better world for all.


Civilian Affairs

Responsible for managing and overseeing businesses run and/or supported by the TAAO. This department ensures that these businesses operate smoothly and ethically, while also promoting positive relationships between Aberrations and the wider community.

  • Business Manager
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Compliance Officer
  • Economic Analyst
Aberration Administration

In charge of maintaining detailed records and files on all Aberrations. This includes tracking their abilities, threat levels, and any incidents or interactions they have with society.

  • Records Manager
  • Data Analyst
  • Document Specialist
  • Archivist
Aberration Overseers

Agents assigned to monitor and support civilian-approved Aberrations. These overseers ensure that Aberrations comply with TAAO regulations and help integrate them into society.

  • Field Agent
  • Case Manager
  • Training Coordinator
  • Support Specialist
“The Palisade”

A security force deployed at Aberration Living Spaces (ALS) to maintain order and ensure the safety of both Aberrations and the general public. They are trained to handle emergencies and conflicts within these communities.

  • Security Officer
  • Crisis Response Team Member
  • Surveillance Operator
  • Logistics Coordinator
“The Ryōshi”

A specialized force deployed only when an Aberration poses a significant threat to public safety. These operatives are highly trained in subduing and containing violent or dangerous Aberrations.

  • Tactical Operative
  • Negotiator
  • Intelligence Analyst
  • Containment Specialist


We are always looking for dedicated professionals to join our team. Explore the opportunities in our various departments and find out how you can contribute to a safer and more harmonious world.

Contact Us

For inquiries, support, or more information about the TAAO, please contact us through the following channels: